Corona to Gujarat Rs. Maharashtra is likely to lose Rs 4.72 lakh crore, with a loss of Rs 2.61 lakh crore
Report / Corona to Gujarat Rs. Maharashtra is likely to lose Rs 4.72 lakh crore, with a loss of Rs 2.61 lakh crore. Corona cases are on the rise in the country on the one hand and the economy on the other. If there is one state that has suffered the most from the corona virus, it is Maharashtra. State Bank of India (SBI) released a report on Tuesday. Accordingly, Maharashtra is the largest exporter of Rs. 4.72 lakh crore, Rs. 2.86 lakh crore and Rs. 2.61 lakh crore will be lost. DIVYABHASKAR NEWS: CLICK HERE Based on the country's GDP loss, Gujarat is expected to lose 8.6% : According to the report, based on the country's GDP loss, Maharashtra's loss alone will be 15.6%. Tamil Nadu will lose 9.4% and Gujarat 8.6%. According to the report, Uttar Pradesh will lose Rs 2.53 lakh crore (8.3% of GDP) while Karnataka will lose Rs 2.02 lakh crore. Which would be equivalent to 6.7 per cent of the country's GDP loss. The lowest losses will be in Andaman and Nicobar Islands: West ...