Couple Challenge - An unique and original content from Gujarati literature!!

Devashiata had been having a party for the last three months. Its largest house in a large pod. Devashi Ata's house with Vigha's bean has been throbbing for the last three months. The only reason was Corona's calamity !! Devasi Ata had four sons. The four sons, two from Mumbai and two from Surat, and their entire family had been in Madrevatan for three months. In the rest of this house, Devashi Aata and Jadi Doshi .. two buffalo buffaloes and two cows .. Ratu and his wife Champa, the sharer of the farm .. Ratu's wife used to come to cook in the afternoon and in the evening Ratu sang in the morning and in the evening the buffaloes were milking. Wadiye Devashiata had built a terraced house. The ground was good. Bhagio belonged to the village and was supposed to save the land. The boy said it many times but Devashi did not have to leave the village.
Couple Challenge - An unique and original content from Gujarati literature!!

The harmony was good. All four sons were Viveki and Kahyagara. But the business had grown so much that it was not possible to keep it afloat. That is why sometimes he comes to the village for the sake of Jatra in Varah and if he does not stay for a day, he can go to Surat or Mumbai. In a day's investment, even half a day is on the phone !! But for the last three months, Devashi had come to Kolya. Amay was overjoyed when the four brothers decided not to leave till Diwali. Never before have so many men come to this house at once. A whole cavalcade of pistol men had just arrived.

The four sons of Devashi Ata were married. All the marriages took place in Surat or Mumbai. All the Vahuaru came to the village only once and also got married the next day. Mataji had a madh in the village. When someone in Devashi Ata's family got married, he had to go to the madh and have an offering of sava pali sesame seeds and only after adding eight quinces, the bridegroom would get divorced and only then he could enjoy the world. The rest of the brides never came to the village. The whole bean was throbbing. The buffalo and the song also seemed to be in joy. The four rooms that were locked forever were unlocked. The old-fashioned dholiya and kathi beds were out a lot of the time. At times, four blankets were covered with blankets, pillows, quilts and quilts. Copper and brass utensils were also seen by Suraj Narayan years later. In particular, there were eight small Tabarias who were soaked for four or five days, but then they found a desi with Devashi Dada that these Conventia culture children, who used to sleep with their mother forever, used to sleep around Devashi Ata and talk about Cow Oaks Buffalo etc. Tabaria Godhala and Gawdi had learned to speak !!

The eight children had learned to take a bath in the cold water at home by standing directly under the beam of the motor. Some even found out after coming here that the original milk belongs to cows and buffaloes. Until now it was understood that milk is made in dairy and goes everywhere in bags. After the bus at Ramji temple .. Wadiye .. Mahadev's temple .. Playing in the river with running water .. Eating lemon under neem .. Eating piludi .. Eating raw ripe tomatoes directly from the plant ..

Even at home, the brides were so busy cooking and washing clothes that even the minor and major ailments of the waist and body were completely gone in the last three months without everyone going to the gym. Old-fashioned recipes were also taught to new brides in Jadi. Everyone was happy.

Karthik, Himanshu, Sanjay, Rakesh and Arpit were the five grandchildren of this goddess Ata. Rakesh and Arpit were married three years ago. The remaining three were married seven years ago. Devashi Ata used to be surprised when all these people used to go for a walk at the foot of the lake or in the small hills around them. He once asked his granddaughter Rachna

"Son, you keep your mouth slanted under this lemon or under the palm of your hand, blinking your eyes. I don't know what to do when you look at your mobile phone with your lips twisted and twisted.

"Grandpa is said to have taken a selfie," replied Rachna.

"In our time we used to take gulfi in summer .. I heard this selfie very new" Devashi Aata said and Rachna laughed out loud. Hearing the sound of his laughter, two other granddaughters Niyati and Rashmika also came and arranged with Dada.

Rachna said showing selfies from mobile

“Grandpa this is called a selfie !! Taking a photo of ourselves in a mobile is called a selfie. Do you understand, Grandpa? ”

"It wasn't like that in Grandpa's time, so he doesn't know," said the talkative and chatty destiny.

"But what to do after taking such photos ?? Put it on the wall or put it in the closet, ”said Devashi Ata.

"We have a lot of brothers and sisters to put in Facebook. All those who have petitions should see this and praise us," said Rashmika.

"Originally, all this was done only for someone to praise us .." Now I have taken a selfie, but what is this Facebook ?? I know about notebooks and bank passbooks but I don't know about Facebook, ”Bholabhave Devashi Aata asked. And the three granddaughters laughed out loud and Rachna explained what Facebook is through mobile.

And Devashiata watched all this in amazement. Rachna had a lot of photos of her friends on Facebook. Many friends had posted photos with her husband. Devashi is watching now. Rachna also showed photos of his brothers who were with his wife. Devashi was now watching all this with amazement. Karthik was standing near the well with his wife. In another photo, Himanshu was standing in Rajka with a shovel in his hand. He put a pot of water on his wife's head and put his hand on her shoulder. All the photos of the grandson were with his wife. All the photos were taken at all the places of interest in the whole village. After seeing everything, Devashi spoke now.

"Is there a rule in Facebook that a married person must post a photo of a bay man?" Devashi Aata said while calling Rachna.

"No, there is no such rule. But the trend of 'Couple Challenge' has been going on for the last two or three days, so all the married people are posting photos with their wives. All this is done on Facebook," said Rachna.

“What is the benefit of this couple challenge ?? The couple knows. Many years ago, there was a teacher in our village. Bay was married to a city dweller and Bay was a little wiser than he should have been. So at five o'clock in the evening, Bay went for a walk along the lake hand in hand and the whole village was in turmoil. The whole village was ravaged without a ransom. If the Sarpanch of the village Ranadada had knocked on the door of the house, then both of them would say that we are a couple, then Ranadada Sarpanch would say that if there is a couple, then the rest of the people called this village would make fun of you. You should not do such behavior in the city in the village. That's when I found out that a married couple is called a couple. Then the impression of A Bay fell on the village as Kapaliya. But what is this challenge ?? I didn't know that. ”Devashi was really interested.

"In this way, challenge means taking up a challenge .. If we do such a wonderful work or work that cannot be done by others, it can be considered as a challenge ..: Destiny said that immediately Devashi spoke.

"What a challenge it is for a man to post his photos on Facebook. And this is a difficult task .. In our time, the youth were facing many challenges .. But this time there was no way for all this to come to the notice of the society. All this mobile phone has come now "

"Hey grandpa, even in your time, there would be such a couple challenge ?? Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys .....

"We'll talk after the little Tabaria gets knocked out." Call Karthik, Sanjay, Rakesh, Himanshu Arpit too so that they also know what is called Couple Challenge, ”said Devashi Aata putting a turban on her head.

And at eleven o'clock at night, after all the small Tabarias had fallen asleep, today's youth were arranged around the big drummers with chairs. Sahu put it next to his mobile. Sahu was anxious about how the couple challenge came 30 or 50 years ago ?? Devashi will have to talk more now. Sahu was locked to know that. And Devashi Aata started talking with a sore throat.

This daughter Rachna explained to me about the "Couple Challenge" on Facebook, so I decided to call you one of my own. That was almost sixty years ago today. When I was twenty years old. My father was very grumpy and strict by nature. The whole village was its ruab. Your house in the village was happy even then. Our home is already considered a healthy home. I was one of his sons. If there was a lot of money in the house, if I wanted to use the money, I would tell my father. The rest of the old copper pallets in our fourth house, my father used to put money-free jewelery in it and keep a strong lock, the keys were in his kadya's pocket, there was a small red string in the kadya's pocket and he would tie the key of the kala's lock with the rope. When he took a bath, he would take a new link with him and put the key in the bath. The key is with him even when he is out of town. It is also a business of interest deduction. If someone wants to give money or someone's money has come, he immediately goes to Tramba's box and closes the door of the house from inside. After a while it comes out. We have never seen an open door until he died. ”

“My kinship was established by my father in a village at the top of twenty villages. A week after the kinship, I found out that my kinship had been done by my father. Your grandmother Vastabhai used to come to my father to get money at interest. My father even gave him money. Once or twice you went to her house and at that time your grandmother will be barely eighteen years old and she said that you have to give this herb to my goddess Vera while the ball is flowing. Our house is clean so no one grows my father's weed. I have never seen her and she has never seen me. Once I went from here to Tobra in Jaan and there was another Jaan in that village. That was the life of my father-in-law's village and it was also ingrained in that life. Jadi's pleas sang to me and I saw Jadi for the first time at the village priest's hotel. Jadi was adorned in a red cloth. We stood for ten minutes and did not say a word. But there has never been a time in life like that. Then there was a sister of Jadi who told me that we will wait for Narshilal Saat Hanuman to come. Now the fair was three months away. But those three months were like three bulls for me. It became an event during that period. My father-in-law Vastabhai used to make jaggery. At that time sugarcane cultivation was plentiful. No one can make a circle like that. But the bhindi used to make jaggery has got cank in the bhindi, so people got sick and died after eating the jaggery that was made that year. So there was a police case and my father-in-law went to jail for a month. The money was cleared. My father could not pay the interest.

Jadi and I met for the second time at the fair of Saat Hanuman. Her sisters left her alone and went to the fair. We sat under a thorn fence and Jadi talked with tears in her eyes that my father would go to Jadi's house and give her all the money in a day or else all her land would be taken away and the relationship would be severed. I was stunned to hear this. At that time, a total of three hundred and fifty rupees was on Jadi's father. You may be surprised but at that time rupee was like the wheel of a cart. Rupees were considered very large and sari three hundred rupees was considered a very large amount. If the land is sold, how can two younger brothers get married. Jadi and her father were confused. Listening to Jadi, I took up the challenge. And promised him that I would provide the money. And Jadeen said that if I get married, I will not marry anyone else. Tell your father to trust the son-in-law. I will not break faith until my last breath. Jadi showed me his right hand with "D" engraved in English. At that time, it was customary to tattoo on one's hands so that no one would know, so everyone engraved the first letter of their master in English. He said that if he did not marry me, he would give up his life but would not marry another. I had just like that. That's when I touched the "D" carved on his hand. "D" is engraved on your grandmother's hand today. After saying this, Devashi stopped and drank water and continued talking.

Just then I didn't get the jade until I had three hundred and fifty rupees. That's why I started earning separately. At night I would go to the farm with my brother off I would pull the stalks from someone else's farm at night. Two or three rupees coming from it. I don't use any of this money to give me to use. Sometimes, if I got it from my ba, I would collect a single rupee to save it and in that one rupee, I would see the face of Jadi. Nuts and wrestlers once came to a nearby village. Many cyclists came to watch the game. Once a large amount of money was collected, a rope was tied twenty feet from the ground and a cyclist was riding on it, which was thirty feet long, without any support. The game is over, so the nut chief has said that a young man can cycle in this village. I will give him ten rupees .. I will give him twenty rupees, he kept growing and finally he said that I will give him a hundred rupees, there is a real or real man .. and what made me think that I took it fast. The chief told me that if I could not run, you would have to pay a hundred, but I could only remember the words of Jadi that if you marry me, it will be yours. So I cycled freely. My grip on the bicycle was amazing. Also did not run on the rope. But with pure love, you can make the impossible possible. And for the first time in my life, I cycled on a rope. I had only one faith in the words of Jadi. I had faith in my love. And they were all amazed. I didn't see the men standing below, only the rope. Sardar was happy to know the whole thing from me and gave me ten axons instead of gold. For just over a year, I worked night shifts to save a penny, and on a rainy day, I took a bicycle and went to my brother-in-law's house, told my father-in-law, and gave him the money and told him what to do next.

My father went there to ask for money. Jadina's father gathered the village and said. The sari has to be given three hundred. I have to wash Vaghjibhai's money with milk and give it in full. But when he comes to my house with his son's life, he has to give it to me. Let me give him money now and if he goes back later, what if his son-in-law marries someone else ?? Among the village leaders, I say that I will give the money to the one who marries my daughter. The rest I don't give up. I have to keep my promise and I have to keep my promise. Now my father is exactly the same. He could not keep the money, so he took my life and came to my father-in-law's house. And before I asked for money, my father-in-law paid 50 times instead of 50 rupees and I married your grandmother. ” While talking, Devashi Aata's eyes sparkled. There was also a twinkle in the listener's eye. And Devashiata drove on.

“Then our world began. My father's health did not improve, so I got married and died the following year. Her reputation in the village was tarnished. The shock of the way he took the money in the middle of the tent did not last long. After his death, for the first time in my life, I opened the copper box. It had a lot of wealth. We donated all that wealth. He gave a few rupees to Ramji temple and Shiva temple in our village. Taking the money that is needed. We kept that money separately. My wife did not want to use any of that money for herself. In just five years of marriage, big Suresh and little Kanji were born there and your grandmother took a photo of me for the first time in my life. We went to Ghela Somnath Shravan Mass and took the photo there. I still have that photo today. This is the first photo of our Bay in life. I have Suresh in my hand and Kanji in your grandmother's hand. Here is the photo. ”Saying this, Devashiata took a small diary out of Kadia's pocket and took out a black and white photo of a year old bevad on the middle page and showed it to her grandchildren.

"Then your two fai were born and then Rakesh and Mahesh were born. Me and your grandmother have worked hard. And I taste its sweet fruit right now. At that time we would have been, that is, if your grandmother and I had not accepted the couple's challenge, there would not have been such a family of pistols now. This was our challenge .. Such a couple's challenge has been crushed from village to village. One of the major differences between the present and the present is that the practice of finishing has increased. The new generation may not understand the word end. Although there is no shortage of cows or buffaloes or oxen eating green grass at home, sometimes it gets loose from the threshing floor and reaches the garbage and starts eating dirt there. Goes out in the dirt though. Does the game of not doing. I read all this in the press that when I watch it on TV, one question that comes to my mind for years is whether this is called progress or degradation. Even if people stop doing it at the end, most of the problems will go away, ”Devashi Aata concluded.

The night was frozen. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren stood up after receiving invaluable instruction from Dadaji and yes Sahu took the photo of that rare photo of Dadaji in his mobile. Listening to the story of a true couple challenge, they all learned an invaluable lesson of life from Devashi Dada !!

Author: - Mukesh Sojitra


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